This MSD-Band Shoulder Rope
Pulley comes with a pulley, wooden
handles, nylon cord, stopper
system, and metal bracket.
Just like the MSD-Band Shoulder Rope
Pulley, the MSD-Band Shoulder Tube Pulley
helps increase range of shoulder motion. It
can be used for prevention and rehabilitation
of shoulder injuries.
Due to its resistive tubing, the MSD-Band Shoulder
Tube Pulley can also be used for strength development.
The MSD-Band Shoulder Rope Pulley comes with a pulley, door anchor, nylon cord, stopper system, and detachable hand supports. These hand supports allow patients without gripping power to use the shoulder pulley.
Office No. 2, Lootah Building, Marrakech St ,
Umm Al Rammool , Rashidhiya
P.O. Box - 96428
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
LL: +971 4 251 5383, Fax: +971 4 251 5138
Office No. 104,
Al Fardan Holdings Building
Same Majestic Furniture Building
Opposite Centro Rotana Hotel, Old Air Port Road
Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
LL: +971 2 443 7782