The Sissel Balancefit is a multifunctional training device to improve balance, physical co-ordination, strength and circulation. It features specially shaped knobbles in two thicknesses, increasing the body’s perceptive ability. It is also ideal for foot massage, working on pelvic floor exercises or as a dynamic sitting aid.
Office No. 2, Lootah Building, Marrakech St ,
Umm Al Rammool , Rashidhiya
P.O. Box - 96428
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
LL: +971 4 251 5383, Fax: +971 4 251 5138
Office No. 104,
Al Fardan Holdings Building
Same Majestic Furniture Building
Opposite Centro Rotana Hotel, Old Air Port Road
Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
LL: +971 2 443 7782