The machine’s directional-stroking action allows the technician to selectively loosen mucus within the client to help clear airways and open nasal passages, allowing the client to breathe easier. Very little training is required for the successful and safe operation of this instrument. The advanced technology of the G5 Vibramatic reduces treatment time for greater patient comfort and satisfaction.
Office No. 2, Lootah Building, Marrakech St ,
Umm Al Rammool , Rashidhiya
P.O. Box - 96428
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
LL: +971 4 251 5383, Fax: +971 4 251 5138
Office No. 104,
Al Fardan Holdings Building
Same Majestic Furniture Building
Opposite Centro Rotana Hotel, Old Air Port Road
Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
LL: +971 2 443 7782